
Diaochan, Artful Beauty
Legendary Creature -- Human Advisor
{T}: Destroy target creature of your choice, then destroy target creature of an opponent's choice. Activate only during your turn, before attackers are declared.

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name expansion rarity artist flavor text original text image
Commander's Arsenal rare Miao Aili {T}: Destroy target creature of your choice, then destroy target creature of an opponent's choice. Activate this ability only during your turn, before attackers are declared.
Portal Three Kingdoms rare Miao Aili On your turn, before you attack, you may tap Diaochan to destroy any one creature. Then, your opponent destroys any one creature of his or her choice.

Abilities (click to find cards with that ability):
{T}: {effect} (1614)
Activate this ability only during your turn (51)
Before attackers are declared (27)
Destroy target creature of your choice (1)
Destroy target creature of an opponent's choice (1)

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